Friday, July 16, 2010


It seems that blogging is good for you - or so my daughter tells me...

So I'll give it a go and see how it works... and my mind goes totally blank!!!

Oh well - I might have something more to say next time.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Monday, September 21, 2009

Here We Go!!!

Hubby and I have decided - definitavely - that we are going to lose weight. For our family, for our general well-being, to avoid serious health problems and to feel better within ourselves.

We've tried this before and ended up not doing anything, so this time around I decided to introduce a little friendly competition to spur us on towards our respective goals.

I like to think we're going to go in stages and each stage there will be a different prize for the victor. I haven't mentioned that to dear Hubs yet, though!

Stage one runs from now until November, the 'Team' that loses the most weight in that time gets to pick what we will do for Date Night. We never get to go on dates, even though I specifically recall being promised a Date Night once a month... Anyway, as team leader of Team Becky (okay, as the only member) I have decided that, should I win, Team James will take me out to a lovely dinner and then to see New Moon at the cinema. Put simply, that's why I will win. I love going out to the movies, but we haven't been since before our first child was born - so it's been about two and a half years and I am determined to see this movie.

Join us in our journey to a fitter, healthier us and cheer on your favourite team (Team Becky). Hmm, need to learn how to make a Team Becky button.